November 2021

Director’s Message

A message from Mary Bohman, Acting Director of the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

GDP and the Economy: Advance Estimates for the Third Quarter of 2021

Real GDP increased 2.0 percent in the third quarter of 2021, reflecting positive contributions from private inventory investment, consumer spending, state and local government spending, and nonresidential fixed investment.

Updated Summary of NIPA Methodologies

The data and methods used to prepare current-dollar and real gross domestic product and current-dollar gross domestic income, reflecting the 2021 annual NIPA update.

Updated and Expanded Small Business Statistics: Wages, Employment, and Gross Output by Industry and Enterprise Size, 2012–2017

Newly released estimates expanding on the number of size class groupings and on industry detail.

Regional Quarterly Report

A look at state GDP, state personal income, and personal consumption expenditures by state for 2020. These statistics incorporate the results of the annual updates of the Regional Economic Accounts and the National Income and Product Accounts.